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News Bulletin

"Crazy Bear Kid 2" This children's comedy movie was filmed in Oriental Landscape Park, let's take a look...

Release date: 2020-05-26

On the morning of May 25, the children's comedy line movie "Crazy Bear Kid 2" held a start-up ceremony in Shaoxing's Oriental Landscape Park, which is a microcosm of Keqiao's continuous use of the film and television cultural chain to promote the vigorous development of the cultural industry.

Following the successful filming of "Crazy Bear Kid 1", "Crazy Bear Kid 2" continued to be filmed in the cool play town of Keqiao District. The film tells the main character Doudou and his friends in the first part. In the directional off-road competition organized by the school, they experienced a series of plots such as retirement, competition, competition, rescue, etc., and finally realized the friendship first and the competition Second, the story of winning together is expected to be released on the national theater next summer.

On the same day, the movie "White Hero" also officially started the project and announced that it would start shooting after "Crazy Bear Kid 2" was completed.

Culture is a unique "gold business card" for each city. The combination of creativity and culture has inspired the infinite vitality of Keqiao District. According to statistics, at present, there are 310 cultural enterprises in Keqiao District, with the added value of cultural industry reaching 6.923 billion, and the proportion of cultural industry in GDP reaching 7.7%.

"Keqiao District is one of the core blocks of the two cultural industry belts of Zhijiang and Qiantang River, and it is also an important level of the construction of Shaoxing Cultural and Creative Corridor." Zhang Huijuan, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of Keqiao District Committee and Chairman of the District Social Science Association Introduced to reporters, in the context of cultural and tourism integration, Keqiao District continues to strengthen the driving advantages of "strategy + platform", "format + brand", "project + talent", "inheritance + integration", the thickness of cultural resources Transform into the height of the cultural industry, continue to promote the high-quality development of the cultural industry, and actively build a "cultural strong zone".

It is understood that the filming location of this movie, Oriental Landscape Park, is one of the key cultural tourism projects created by Keqiao District. "The film industry and the tourism industry are both tertiary industries. The participation in the co-production of two films this time is an important measure for the paradise to promote the integrated development of culture and tourism." Cai Zhiping, general manager of Shaoxing Oriental Landscape Tourism Resort, said that combining Keqiao local Elements of local customs and cool-play towns, I look forward to continuing to present more exciting and rich film and television works for the people of the country.