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News Bulletin

News Bulletin

The 2nd "Oriental Star" Summer Outstanding Staff Award Ceremony and 2018 National Day Mobilization Conference

Release date: 2018-10-01

To commend employees of various departments who have outstanding performance in the peak season of 2018, the company held the second "Eastern Star" summer outstanding employee selection activity. On the afternoon of September 30, the 2nd "Eastern Star" Summer Outstanding Staff Award Ceremony and National Day Mobilization Conference of Oriental Landscape Park were grandly held on the stage of the Kingdom of Mountain. General manager Cai Zhiping, deputy general manager Yan Zhifu, deputy general manager Huang Yaozong and other companies The leaders attended the award ceremony.

The ceremony commended employees who performed well in the summer peak season of 2018. At the same time, they also mobilized to greet the peak of passenger flow during the National Day Golden Week.

▲President Yan announced the list of outstanding employees

▲President Cai presented awards to outstanding employees

▲Message from President Huang

Excellent staff representative Zhang Saihan made a speech

Mr. Cai and Mr. Yan took a group photo with outstanding employees

Staff representatives participating in the award ceremony